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The Process Is Ours.
The Plan Is Yours.

The 750 Southwest Team

Our process is built on transparency and compassion. Talk with any member of our team and receive an honest recommendation and a complimentary financial plan, no fees up-front.

Ben Haskins

Ben Haskins

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I started 750 Southwest because I believe that people deserve transparency from the people managing their money. They deserve to be prioritized, and that’s what our process is designed to do.

After seven years in this industry, I’ve seen far too many people get a fraction of the attention they deserve from financial institutions. Sometimes this is owing to the sheer size of the institution and sometimes it’s the result of a cookie-cutter planning process. No matter the reason, my goal, first and foremost, is to build trust with you and establish a relationship in which your every concern is received with thoughtfulness and compassion. I always want my clients to feel seen, heard and embraced.

That’s why I take a high-touch, holistic approach to financial planning.

At the end of the day, I can’t control the ebb and flow of the market. No one can. I can, however, control how I treat my clients. I can also control how we plan for the unpredictable. That’s why I will never predicate the success of your financial plan on rate of return, or hang my hat on any particular strategy.

Instead, my financial planning is based on one fundamental consideration: you. Where are you now, where do you want to be, and how can we get you there securely?

I started 750 Southwest Financial because I believe that financial planning isn’t just a numbers game. It’s your life.

Kim Thibault

Kim Thibault

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People change directions, change careers, and take on many different roles both personally and professionally in a lifetime. I believe that people deserve a wealth management company that fully considers each of those roles as they grow, shrink or evolve throughout a lifetime.

My path to joining 750 SW Financial was hardly straightforward.

After beginning my career as an early childhood educator, I changed paths and found myself in the hospitality industry. Then, I finally found my calling in the financial industry in 2015 where I’ve been assisting financial advisors and their clients ever since.

All of these experiences have led me to where I am today: Director of Operations at 750 SW Financial, a wife, and a mother of two children.

As a part of the 750 SW team, your professional and personal identity matter. It matters to us that you’re young and figuring out your path in life. It matters equally to us that you’re a wife or husband, a mother or a father, or soon to be.

We don’t just create financial plans based on your profession or your income, we create them based on you, who you are, and who you want to be in each and every aspect of your life.

I’m a part of 750 Southwest Financial because you deserve to be seen as a whole person with unique circumstances, responsibilities and goals.

Patrick Joseph’s

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“It’s important to recognize that long term success is dependent upon an individual’s ability to live up to their greatest potential, as a result the right guidance. Your holistic financial security plan will be designed co-actively, to assist you in achieving your goals. It will give you a track to run on and allow you to stay on track. This is the type of plan that I will joyfully help you to develop.”

I have been a part of the Ottawa community for over 45yrs and been married to my bride Racquel for 21years. We are the proud parents of 2 teens.

I have also been passionately enjoying the world of business & the stage for over three decades as a singer, professional speaker and an Orthotherapist. Lastly, I have fervidly worked as a financial advisor for over 10yrs, helping individuals, families, and businesses to develop and expand their financial literacy.

As an Orthotherapist, I would intervene as much in the prevention as in the treatment of pain. This holistic training allowed me to meet the high expectations of my customers while building their loyalty.

That same attention is what I bring to financial planning. I help my clients to define and achieve their specific goals and guide them through troubled times. Their financial security plans are designed with the expected end in mind, while still enjoying the journey.

I joined the 750 Southwest Financial team to help Canadians “Live The Beauty Of Their Dreams.”

“Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established.”

The Process Is Ours. The Plan Is Yours.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today.